

We are made for relationships. Loneliness was the first thing God said was not good; we are created for relationship with God and with people. Building relationships is the key to finding and fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives and is an essential part of Calvary’s mission. Life is better together! 


Come and see for yourself! That was Phillip’s invitation to his friend Nathanael in John 1:45-46. That simple invitation resulted in a changed life. Our church is a place where people can see, hear, and experience for themselves. They can witness a loving community. They can hear the truth in a clear way. They can experience the power of forgiveness and hope. Calvary seeks to create an environment where people feel comfortable coming and bringing others to learn what God desires for their lives! 


Jesus said, “I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly” (John 10:10). We are made for a life of purpose, fulfillment, meaning, and joy. Jesus alone can give us dynamic life. When you form meaningful relationships and learn how to talk to, listen to, and walk in obedience to God, your life is forever changed for the better. Our mission is to help you discover dynamic life in Christ!